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Design Overhaul!

LJ Rucker

About a year ago I got this crazy idea to set up a website in an effort to consolidate all my projects I've accumulated over the years. When I first set up the website, I did it with zero knowledge of web design or anything related to that (remember, I'm an accountant by trade!)

I messed with the site here and there over the months, but just never really "loved" what I'd thrown together. In an act of frustration, I copied the site, and did a complete overhaul of everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. There is still work to do, but I forced myself to push the "Publish button" to officially make all the changes. And for anybody that was fortunate enough to not experience Version 1 of the EpicQuests side, I did save some screenshots (for the memories)

The original home page

The U.S. map that I foolishly pieced together in Photoshop before even thinking about HTML code possibilities

What every photo gallery looked like

Which it was/has been fun seeing how much I've changed and how much I've learned about web design in the year since I've started this, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing where I go from here! So please enjoy the new layout, and be forgiving as I'm slowly adding new galleries and fixing little design/link errors that I missed!



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Buds N' Bugs


You guys I had SO MUCH FUN with my first


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