LJ Rucker

Jan 24, 20194 min

My Goals For 2019

I'm pretty hit-or-miss when it comes to making "New Year Resolutions."

HOWEVER, the end of 2018 brought on some new big changes for me!

The biggest difference was that I changed my career...I was going to switch from accounting to that of art (surprising switch, I know).

Now originally, I was going to quit my accounting position completely, but at the last minute my job asked if I'd consider staying on part-time, and after some talk with the husband, realized this would be the best of both worlds, AND it would help out my coworkers the best as well! So even though I didn't quit completely, going part-time was/is still a big life change!

And with this big change coming up, I knew I wanted to plan, and be intentional with my time. In my previous post, I talked about my new GOAL Planner, which has you start out the year with making intentional goals. Christy Wright has a great method to setting what she calls SMART goals, which means all your goals have to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable Realistic, and Timeline.

I won't share ALL the specifics of my goals for 2019, but I did want to give a brief summary of what they are, both to document it on here, and also if there's anybody else that has similar goals for this year, I'd love to connect with you, and we can be accountability buddies, or just share our successes and struggles!


This one seems like a "DUH" since I quit my accounting job to pursue art. However, I'm still deciding which aspects of my art should develop into possible income/career paths, and which ones should stay as "hobbies." If you look around my website, you'll notice I've explored a LOT of art and crafts... drawing, painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor, you name it!) Decorated flower pots, photography (again, all the types! Travel, people, wildlife, etc), I've done a bit of jewelry making/repair, digital design, interior design, home renovation, crochet, macrame... the list is legit endless!

Clearly, I don't have the womanpower to turn ALL of these into profitable ventures, so my goal this year is not only to continue investing and practicing these, but to also determine which arts will receive my full attention going forward.


No matter how hard you try, you will never read ALL the internet posts, because they're never-ending. And social media isn't bad, it's a great way to stay up-to-date with current events, but when you spend a few hours browsing Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, etc, how do you usually feel afterwards? For me, there might have been some wisdom nuggets that I read in there, but most of it is empty knowledge, and sometimes what you read isn't even accurate. Also, with each passing day there are more and more reports that say the more time you spend on social media, the more miserable you are, and the lower your self-esteem becomes.

Sooooo, while I'm not eliminating Facebook or anything like that, I am planning to be more intentional with my "reading" time by reading more books that have a definite start and end. My goal is to read at least 50 books this year, which feels like a big goal to me, but I really want to push myself.

I used to LOVE reading before the college days (college ruins your joy of reading for a few years), so I'm actually really excited to re-discover this long lost love of mine


And by "Improve physical well-being," I DON'T mean trying to lose weight. In fact, I mean a completely different focus.

Our society and diet-culture have really messed up our relationships with food, weight, fitness, and how we feel about ourselves. It can affect anybody and everybody, but it usually affects women harder than it does men. A study back in 2011 found that 97% of women will have at least one "I hate my body thought" in the course of a day. This is something I've struggled with ever since I was little, around the age of 10, and I decided I'm tired of never feeling like I'm good enough, because I am!

I'll go ahead and share that I started the year with reading the book "Body Positive Power" and it's already changed my view on SO many things, all for the better. I absolutely think any person that has ever struggled with dieting, exercise, eating disorders, or just how they feel about their body (no matter what you weigh) NEEDS to read this. Seriously. It'll wake you the heck up.

So these are my 3 main goals for the year, and I'm hoping almost all my future posts will be about one of these 3 things, because that means I'm on the right track to reaching these goals!

If you can relate to these goals, or want to make sure you stay up to date with the latest posts, join my email list, and I'll try to remember to send out periodic reminders of my latest posts (I'm really bad about this right now tho, so if you're lucky you might get an email every 3 months or so!)